Category: Everyday Running Heroes
Interview with Virginia Craft
Hey everyone! Sorry it’s been a while, as you know this is just me trying to do something positive in the world and I definitely don’t always have the time or inclination. I am only human after all! However, it gives me great pleasure to introduce Virginia Craft, who, like everyone else has their own…
Interview with Ally and Teddy Y
Well, what a treat we have for you all today. I can honestly say this is very rapidly becoming my favourite part of running this blog. in case you are just joining us, I have embarked on a mission to interview as many Everyday Running Heroes, just like you, as possible. Why? Because I believe…
Interview with Mike Swanson
This is the first in what will hopefully be an endless series of interviews with everyday runners just like you and me. Why? Because I believe if you are a runner you are an everyday hero – it doesn’t matter whether you are just starting out or have been running for years. I believe every…